Temporary exhibition
Our next temporary exhibition will open in 2026, after huge renovation works! It will be dedicated to the evolution of the illustrated books for children (from the origins to the present day).
Permanent exhibition
The permanent exhibition, dedicated to the history of civilization in a journey through time covering 5000 years since invention of writing, is closed for renovation. Reopening in 2026!
The Fondation Martin Bodmer is a unique heritage library – recognized as World Heritage by UNESCO –, a place for research and conservation, as well as a museum open to all and dedicated to writing from its origins to this day.
Fondation Martin Bodmer
Route Martin-Bodmer 19
1223 Cologny (Genève)
T +41 (22) 707 44 36
Guided tours : Book online
Visiting hours
The museum is currently closed.
Reopening in 2026
15 CHF : adults
10 CHF : students, AVS, unemployed
Free : Children under 18, Geneva pass, Raiffeisen card, and more (+)
Nous sommes actuellement fermés pour travaux de rénovation. La réouverture complète est prévue pour le printemps 2026.
Retrouvez toutes nos vidéos ici !
We are currently closed for renovations. See you in 2026!