The Foundation acts as custodian for its prestigious collections but does not have the financing to cover its day-to-day operations. It has endured over the years thanks only to the generous donations of its sponsors and institutional partners. Lack of long-term visibility is a particular issue in the current context, which is increasingly difficult for non-profit organisations generally. However much or little you can give, by financially supporting the Foundation, you are affording an institution of great educational and heritage value, both for Switzerland and the rest of the world, the opportunity to glimpse a more secure future.
Make a donation now
You can help the Foundation’s work in just a few seconds, through our page. Thank you for supporting us.
Make a bequest
Making a donation or a bequest to the Martin Bodmer Foundation will support our institution in its aim of cultural dissemination to the general public, schools and researchers, as well as protecting cultural heritage. The full amount of your donation or bequest will be used to directly contribute to us achieving our aims.
As the Martin Bodmer Foundation is a recognised non-profit organisation your donations are tax deductible. Equally, our institution is exempt from inheritance tax on any bequests you make. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any information or assistance.
Patricia Galve
Fundraising manager
+41 22 707 44 50 (direct line)